I’m a Caregiver and Speaker who is interested in Caring for Caretakers and Receivers

Caregiver Statistics

1 in 5 Americans is caring for an adult with an illness or disability.

61% of caregivers are women.

49 -years-old is the average age of a caregiver in the US.

20% Report suffering from depression.

85% of Caregivers do not receive respite care.

56% of Caregivers work 40+ hours per week.

The average caregiver gives 24.4 hours of care per week to their loved one.

More than 90% of caregivers say they value the experience.

39% of Caregivers leave their jobs to have more time to care for a loved one.

Statistic provided by: Family Caregiver Alliance National Center on Caregiving and AARP


My Mission

CAREGIVING AND RECEIVING. Over the last 15-years I have been in a unique position as a registered nurse to care for thousands of people and their loved ones as they voyage together on the sometimes rough seas of caregiving and receiving.